Welcome to my creative world. I'm so happy you have stopped by to check out my portfolio of work.
A little about me... I am a photographer, a photo editor and a graphic designer. Creating new pieces excites me!
For over 25 years I was an animal trainer and behaviorist, so you will notice a lot of my work revolves around animals... another passion of mine. I started photographing my subjects when I was just a teenager and my love for the art just grew more and more as the years went on.  This is also where a lot of my content writing came into play.  I started writing my blog posts for my own website, then this grew into doing a lot of freelance publications along the way for websites and magazines such as  Pet Mojo, Pup Culture Magazine and YourDogAdvisor.com
About 8 years ago I started working my way down the rabbit hole of advanced photo editing and found the wonderful world of Photoshop. Learning these skills became absolutely addictive and I feel I could never stop learning. With the ever-evolving world of AI entering the mix too, I am having so much fun learning new skills in this virtual world.
I hope you enjoy following my work and thank you for visiting. Feel free to message me if you are interested in me doing some work for you... or if you just want to send some good vibes my way!
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